Unbekannte Marke Forestia

Forestia Interview 02

Die Mission von Forestia ist ganz einfach das Geniessen vom Leben und der Natur. Die Marke stellt hochwertige Mahlzeiten her, bei denen es nicht nur um was man isst geht, sondern auch darum, wo es gegessen wird. Wir wollten es genauer wissen und haben Forestia interviewt. Das Interview erscheint im Original – in englischer Sprache.

How did you come up with the idea to create Forestia?

Forestia is a growing community of outdoor lovers who appreciate good food and enjoy open-air activities. The project was born with the commitment to supply quality, natural food to enjoy life outside.
The founders know the importance of travelling with good quality food during the adventures to be strong and powerful.

What does the name mean?

Forestia means to relax and enjoy our meals outdoors. It means to delight your senses and enjoy life at its best. The perfect sentence that reflects this philosophy is: “Enjoy your meal & leave no trace”.
The brand also represents to love and respect the countryside, the sky, the animals around the world …, but always with a full stomach.

We are not only what we eat, but where we eat.

Who is behind the company / brand? How did you finance the start?

Forestia belongs to Jomipsa group. We are leaders in the Food Ration Sector during more than 35 years. Jomipsa offers to our brand its human and economic resources.

What you are most proud of?

The brand offers a wide selection of ready-to-eat meals to enjoy outdoors in several formats: pouch, self-heating and natural energy bars. All these items are environmentally friendly. We have different formats that allow you to enjoy a good meal producing less rubbish.

Selbsterärmende Mahlzeit

What is your vision for the future?

It is very important for us to improve the 12 recipes we already have. We also work in having more eco-firendly packagings.

Where can I get products from Forestia currently?

At this moment Katadyn is the exclusive distributor of our brand. They have more than 20 selling points around Europe in their main outdoor shops.

Where do you produce?

We work exclusively with suppliers who guarantee the highest standards of quality and food safety. Of course, we apply rigorous controls that meet current legal requirements in order to provide our customers the maximum safety on our entire range of products.

What about environmental and social standards?

Our brand is firmly committed to help and protect our environment. We do not use more resources than the necessary ones. This makes that all our processes are more efficient and more effective.

All our packaging is 100% recyclable and much of our packaging is made with largely recyclable materials which contributes towards reducing waste and protecting our forests.

We actively promote our philosophy with messages on our products by developing systems that enable our users to quickly clear away all their leftovers. Our meals are heated by employing a special method that heats the food without a stove or fire. This could help to minimize the risk of fire in the countryside. Forestia, as a Jomipsa company brand, has the ISO 14001 standard and is a member of Ecoembes, a certified organization working to protect the environment through recycling and designing eco-friendly packaging in Spain.

You use the food yourself. So which tour do you plan to do next?

Forestia team love the adventure, nature, outdoor activities and travelling around the world. In many occasions Forestia products join them in their adventures. The main target during 2020 is working together with Katadyn to grow the brand and increasing sales points, as well as improving the different Forestia recipes. We want that Forestia will be the best option for outdoor food.

Thanks for the interview.

Quelle Bilder: Forestia


Jonathan Stolz

Jonathan Stolz testet Ausrüstung für ich-liebe-berge.ch – der Ausdauersportler liebt fast alles was mit Bergen zu tun hat. Im Winter sind Skitouren, Eisklettern, Snowboarden, Schneeschuhtouren auf dem Programm. Der Sommer wird mit Klettern, Trailrunning, Wandern, Hochtouren, Bike und Rennvelofahren abgerundet. Er liebt es einfach Zeit in der wunderschönen Bergwelt zu verbringen auch im Zelt, Iglu oder direkt unter freiem Himmel. Ist der Gipfel erreicht ist es für ihn das schönste das Panorama mit seiner Familie zu geniessen.


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